In this second and final episode on the Robson Allegations, the focus is on Wade Robson's legal maneuvering regarding his lawsuit against Michael Jackson's companies. You’ll hear about the witnesses he uses to support his claims, how the legal aspects of his claims reveal his deceit, and you’ll see how Robson treats his alleged fellow victims in his lawsuit.
Wade ordered to turn over emails
Robson repeatedly hides his emails from the defense, each time swearing his production is complete. Robson reveals a lack of transparency about his communications, and his willingness to lie under oath to keep them from the defense should be held against him when weighing the trustworthiness of his claims. I highly recommend taking a look at the court motion listed above, that details Robson’s deception about his emails, including his emails about shopping a book before filing his legal claim.
“Michael Jackson was a monster,” TMZ, May 8, 2013
Even though Robson continued to participate in choreography projects, his true goal of filmmaking was never realized, despite his repeated efforts in the mid to later 2000s. He describes in his blog feeling like a failure after he stepped down from a film project in 2011.
Prior unsuccessful attempts at filmmaking
Dance Informa Interview with Wade Robson, published on August 25, 2009:
The 2011 "failure" and breakdown was not Robson's first unsuccessful attempt at filmmaking. In his Dance Informa interview of 2009 he describes giving up all other projects to focus on a film project with his wife. This film never materialized, nor did the theater project he said he was also working on with his wife. In this interview, Robson describes choreography as a stepping stone to his greatest ambition, filmmaking. As far as he's concerned, "It's all about film." He also says how his wife became the opinion that he trusted the most. None of his film ambitions panned out. This goes against his lawyer's claims that Robson's career was on an upward trajectory before filing his claims.
(starting around 29:00 for the section on Quindoy)
More on Mark Quindoy
Interviews with Mark Quindoy
Charli Michaels is another of Wade's witnesses who got paid for a tabloid story that his mother told him wasn’t true. (see page 46)
Michaels questions her prior witness statements, and disparages Robson and Safechuck for their lawsuits.
Blanca Francia is another of Wade’s Witnesses, who never said anything to anybody until the Chandler scandal broke, first meeting with Victor Gutierrez, and then getting paid for tabloid stories. The police only came to her after seeing her tabloid coverage, she herself never went to authorities. She has changed her story repeatedly under oath, and provably lied in her 1993/4 deposition testimony regarding her Hard Copy contract.
Francia again flip flops about what she saw or didn't see. Notably, Wade Robson is listed as present during Blanca Francia's deposition testimony.
Orietta Murdock as a witness Orietta Murdock is the final witness mentioned in Robson’s case, who also never said anything to anyone until meeting with Victor Gutierrez and getting paid for a tabloid story--$20,000 on Hard Copy. When asked in her 2016 deposition for Robson's lawsuit why Diane Dimond contacted her back in 1993, she said, “I mean, after the allegations, everybody wanted to talk to somebody that knew Michael Jackson.”
She reverses herself in her deposition for Robson’s lawsuit, saying she was never under the impression that Jackson was a child molester.
Details on the Robson creditor’s claim and civil suit:
2020 change in the law allowing claims to be filed up to age 40 instead of the previous age 26 limit
Robson claims that he had no knowledge of the existence of the Jackson Estate until he met with his lawyers in March 2013. This was not believed by the judge because of Wade's engagement with the Jackson estate regarding a job in 2011. Robson also states that it was only when he met with his lawyers in 2013 that he realized he had a basis for a legal claim. He describes this as an "enormous revelation." Again this statement is not believed by the judge because of a 2012 email to 30 people where Robson advised discretion because of the abuse allegations' extremely sensitive legal matter. (filed by Wade Robson on July 27, 2013)
Robson was notified that he needed to reach out to the Jackson estate to be considered for hiring. According to Estate Executor John Branca's deposition, Wade reached out and they met in Branca's office. Branca says Wade was not hired for the position.
Deposition and Declaration by John Branca, stating how he met with, but ultimately did not hire Robson for the Michael Jackson show:
Robson did not meet the deadlines, and his exceptions to get around filing deadlines were deemed false by the judge. The judge dismisses Robson’s creditor’s claim, does not believe his assertion that he wasn’t aware of Jackson estate or wasn’t aware of his legal right to sue until he met with lawyers.
Robson's civil claim:
Because Robson failed to get around statutes of limitations for his creditor's claim against Jackson's estate, he only has one other opportunity to get money and that's if he files against Jackson's companies. Now he is alleging that employees were involved in the abuse.
Whaley accuses Robson lawyers of aggressively approaching him and son for subpoena, and calls them ambulance chasers. Yoshi also knew Jackson as a kid, and met James Safechuck on the Bad Tour.
Michaels also describes her son being scared when presented with subpoena:
Documents explaining how Robson's lawyers were seeking to depose Jordan Chandler's sister and fiancé. Chandler's sister and fiancé's request for a protective order against these depositions was granted by the court.
Jonathan Spence and his mother were subpoenaed by Robson, and Spence says Robson displayed bullying behavior and requested private information not relevant to his case.
Despite his claims that the whole purpose of his lawsuit is to help other victims, especially other victims of Michael Jackson, Robson says he hasn’t reached out to Gavin Arvizo even 4 years after disclosing abuse. (pp.160-161)
“Make no mistake, Neverland was nothing more than a well orchestrated trap—it was custom built to attract kids so he could groom them and decide which to sexually abuse. Jackson’s companies were locating, producing, and enabling his sexual abuse of kids. This wasn’t just on his own, but through his companies, Norma Staikos primarily. She would call parents and say, 'Hey, he wants to meet you, come down to the ranch.' "
Robson is questioned about his personal note to himself: “It’s time for me to get mine” in deposition from December 2016.
Robson’s lawyers ties to the Michael Egan case:
Egan filed a lawsuit in 2014, claiming to have been sexually abused in Hawaii in 1999. His case completely collapses when in 2000 he says under oath he had never even been to Hawaii and had not been molested. Finaldi's law team was ghostwriting legal docs for Egan.
Claims that Robson’s lawyers attempted to acquire clients through unsolicited phone calls:
Thanks to the following sites for their collection and analysis of the court documents in the Wade Robson case over many years, which helped guide the research for this episode: